這個 Storybook 擴充套件有助於讓你的 UI 元件更具無障礙性。
$ yarn add @storybook/addon-a11y --dev
將此行新增至你的 main.js
檔案(如果需要,請在你的 Storybook 設定目錄中建立此檔案)。
export default {
addons: ['@storybook/addon-a11y'],
import React from 'react';
export default {
title: 'button',
export const Accessible = () => <button>Accessible button</button>;
export const Inaccessible = () => (
<button style={{ backgroundColor: 'red', color: 'darkRed' }}>Inaccessible button</button>
當 Axe 在故事中回報無障礙性違規時,有多種方法可以根據您的需求來處理這些失敗。
在故事層級,使用 parameters.a11y.config.rules
export const InputWithoutAutofill = () => <input type="text" autocomplete="nope" />;
InputWithoutAutofill.parameters = {
a11y: {
// Avoid doing this, as it will fully disable all accessibility checks for this story.
disable: true,
// Instead, override rules 👇
// axe-core configurationOptions (
config: {
rules: [
// You can exclude some elements from failing a specific rule:
id: 'autocomplete-valid',
selector: '*:not([autocomplete="nope"])',
// You can also signify that a violation will need to be fixed in the future
// by overriding the result of a rule to return "Needs Review"
// rather than "Violation" if the rule fails:
id: 'landmark-complementary-is-top-level',
reviewOnFail: true,
export const Inaccessible = () => (
<button style={{ backgroundColor: 'red', color: 'darkRed' }}>Inaccessible button</button>
Inaccessible.parameters = {
a11y: {
config: {
rules: [{ id: 'color-contrast', enabled: false }],
MyStory.parameters = {
a11y: {
config: {
rules: [
// Allow `autocomplete="nope"` on form elements,
// a workaround to disable autofill in Chrome.
// @link
id: 'autocomplete-valid',
selector: '*:not([autocomplete="nope"])',
// @fixme Color contrast of subdued text fails, as raised in issue #123.
id: 'color-contrast',
reviewOnFail: true,
當您想要忽略無障礙性規則或變更其在所有故事中的設定時,請在您的 Storybook 的 preview.ts
檔案中設定 parameters.a11y.config.rules
。這對於忽略 Axe 常回報的誤判特別有用。
// .storybook/preview.ts
export const parameters = {
a11y: {
config: {
rules: [
// This tells Axe to run the 'autocomplete-valid' rule on selectors
// that match '*:not([autocomplete="nope"])' (all elements except [autocomplete="nope"]).
// This is the safest way of ignoring a violation across all stories,
// as Axe will only ignore very specific elements and keep reporting
// violations on other elements of this rule.
id: 'autocomplete-valid',
selector: '*:not([autocomplete="nope"])',
// To disable a rule across all stories, set `enabled` to `false`.
// Use with caution: all violations of this rule will be ignored!
id: 'autocomplete-valid',
enabled: false,
如果您希望完全停用一組故事的 a11y
export const MyNonCheckedStory = () => <SomeComponent />;
MyNonCheckedStory.parameters = {
// Avoid doing this, as it fully disables all accessibility checks for this story,
// and consider the techniques described above.
a11y: { disable: true },
若要進行更多客製化,請使用參數來設定 aXe 選項。您也可以在 故事層級 覆寫這些選項。
import React from 'react';
import { addDecorator, addParameters, storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
export default {
title: 'button',
parameters: {
a11y: {
// optional selector which element to inspect
element: '#storybook-root',
// axe-core configurationOptions (
config: {},
// axe-core optionsParameter (
options: {},
// optional flag to prevent the automatic check
manual: true,
export const accessible = () => <button>Accessible button</button>;
export const inaccessible = () => (
<button style={{ backgroundColor: 'red', color: 'darkRed' }}>Inaccessible button</button>
測試執行器預設不會套用您在故事中設定的任何規則。您可以設定執行器以正確套用規則,方法是 遵循 Storybook 文件中的指南。
- 讓 UI 更具無障礙性
- 在故事中顯示違規發生在哪裡。
- 新增更多範例測試
- 新增測試
- 讓 CI 整合成為可能