
Storybook 的主題、主題提供器和真正的暗黑模式

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Storybook 的主題、主題提供器和真正的暗黑模式

Storybook Facelift 是零設定的,它只會為原生主題返回一個淺色/深色模式按鈕



npm i -D storybook-facelift


將擴充套件新增到你的 Storybook main.js 檔案中 (或 main.ts - 從現在開始只假設為 js...)

module.exports = {
  addons: ['storybook-facelift'],

為了充分利用擴充套件,你可能需要在 preview.js 中透過參數來設定它。

export const parameters = {
  facelift: {...},

TypeScript 支援範例

Storybook Facelift 提供自訂的 Parameters 型別,以協助你在參數中獲得型別安全。

它接受一個泛型,讓你可以從其他擴充套件新增更多參數型別,並保留 Storybook 參數的型別安全

import type { Parameters } from 'storybook-facelift'
import type { OtherAddonParam } from 'other-addon'

export const parameters: Parameters<{
  otherAddon: OtherAddonParam,
}> = {
  actions: { argTypesRegex: '^on[A-Z].*' },
  otherAddon: {...},
  facelift: {...},

設定 Story

你也可以在 Story 層級設定 Storybook Facelift,例如在 Story 層級而非全域層級啟用帶有主題提供器的自動主題化,甚至可以為此 Story 新增一個特殊的主題提供器

import React from 'react'
import { Tag } from './Tag'

export default {
  title: 'UI/Tag',
  component: Tag,
  parameters: {
    facelift: {
      addProvider: true,
      provider: 'styled',
      providerTheme: 'theme-1',

const Template = (args) => <Tag {...args} />

export const Controllable = Template.bind({})
Controllable.args = {
  label: 'Tag',

TypeScript 支援範例

Storybook Facelift 提供自訂的 Meta 型別,以協助你在 Story 參數中獲得型別安全。

此型別接受 2 個泛型引數,即額外的參數型別和 Storybook 自己的 Args (遺憾的是,如果你希望應用 Args 泛型並且沒有額外的擴充套件參數型別要提供,則必須提供一個空物件作為第一個泛型)

import React from 'react'
import { Tag } from './Tag'

import type { Story } from '@storybook/react'
import type { Meta } from 'storybook-facelift'
import type { TagProps } from './Tag'
import type { OtherAddonParam } from 'other-addon'

export default {
  title: 'UI/Tag',
  component: Tag,
  parameters: {
    otherAddon: {...},
    facelift: {...},
} as Meta<{otherAddon: OtherAddonParam}>

const Template: Story<TagProps> = (args) => <Tag {...args} />

export const Controllable = Template.bind({})
Controllable.args = {
  label: 'Tag',


"addProvider"?: boolean
"autoThemeStory"?: boolean // deprecated - use addProvider
"defaultTheme"?: string
"defaultVariant"?: "light" | "dark"
"docs"?: ParamDocs
"enhanceUi"?: boolean
"includeNative"?: boolean
"native"?: ParamNative
"override"?: ThemeOptionsOverride
"provider"?: "mui" | "styled" | "emotion"
"providerTheme"?: string
"themeConverters"?: Record<string, ThemeConverterFn>
"themes"?: ParamTheme[]
"ui"?: ParamUi

addProvider boolean

全域或在 Story 層級啟用主題提供器

defaultTheme string

啟動 Storybook 時使用的預設主題 - 主題參數中的鍵用作參考

defaultVariant "light" | "dark"

用於 Storybook 主題的預設主題變體

docs ParamDocs


// Set to true to hide the column borders in docs table
"hidePropertyBorders"?: boolean

// Set to true to hide description column in docs table
"hideDescription"?: boolean

// Set to true to hide default value column in docs table
"hideDefaults"?: boolean

// Set to true to hide the controls column in docs
"hideControls"?: boolean

// Set to true to hide the sibling stories shown below property table
"hideStories"?: boolean

// Set to either full or simple - full is default, and simple will ONLY show docs table
"type"?: "full" | "simple"

enhanceUi boolean

修正一些小的 css 錯誤,並允許使用 ui 參數

includeNative boolean

如果提供了自訂主題,則將此參數設定為 true,以便包含原生的 Storybook 主題

override ThemeOptionsOverride

Storybook 主題選項物件,它將擴充到預設的 Storybook 主題選項,用作所有主題建立的預設值

除非稍後覆寫值,否則此處新增的任何值都會出現在最終的主題輸出中 (通常除了 brandTitlebrandUrlbrandImage 之外的所有值)

"colorPrimary"?: string
"colorSecondary"?: string
"appBg"?: string
"appContentBg"?: string
"appBorderColor"?: string
"appBorderRadius"?: number
"fontBase"?: string
"fontCode"?: string
"textColor"?: string
"textInverseColor"?: string
"textMutedColor"?: string
"barTextColor"?: string
"barSelectedColor"?: string
"barBg"?: string
"inputBg"?: string
"inputBorder"?: string
"inputTextColor"?: string
"inputBorderRadius"?: number
"brandTitle"?: string
"brandUrl"?: string
"brandImage"?: string
"gridCellSize"?: number

native ParamNative

調整原生主題的簡單便利參數,以及透過 override 完全控制

// Title to show in the menu picker
"title"?: string

// Control which theme variants are available - defaults to ["light", "dark"]
"variants"?: ("light" | "dark")[]

// Control the usage of Storybooks theme values in the backgrounds
"background"?: "normal" | "reverse" | "equal" | "equal-reverse" | "equal-app" | "equal-content"

// Override any default native theme options from Storybook
"override"?: ThemeOptionsOverride

themeConverters Record<string, ThemeConverterFn>

提供自訂轉換器函式,將你的自訂主題轉換為 Storybook 主題

函式的鍵將使轉換器可以透過主題的 converter 選項存取主題

前往 範例 以了解如何實作自訂主題

[key]: (props: {
  "override"?: ThemeOptionsOverride
  "theme": ThemeOptions
  "variant": "light" | "dark"
  "background"?: "normal" | "reverse" | "equal" | "equal-reverse" | "equal-app" | "equal-content"
  "responsiveFontSizes"?: boolean
}) => {
  "storybook": StorybookThemeOptions
  "instanciated": ThemeInstanciated
  "options": ThemeOptions
} | null

themes ParamTheme[]


// Unique key for this theme entry
"key": string

// Use the built in support of Storybook or Material UI
// Or indicate you are providing a custom theme
"type": "native" | "mui" | "custom"

// The title used in the theme picker
"title": string

// The name of the converter function to use - if the theme type
// is "mui" or "native" you do not need to set this
"converter"?: string

// The theme provider to use for this theme if "addProvider" for story is true
"provider"?: "mui" | "styled" | "emotion"

// The key of the theme to use for the theme provider if "addProvider" is true
"providerTheme"?: string

// Indicate that this theme is only to be used for theme providers - not to theme Storybook
"providerOnly"?: boolean

// These are the theme options for light and/or dark mode.
"variants": {
  "light"?: ThemeOptions
  "dark"?: ThemeOptions

// Override any Storybook theme options value for this theme
"override"?: ThemeOptionsOverride

// Ability to configure how backgrounds are used in the Storybook theme
// 'reverse' will swap between app and content etc..
"background"?: "normal" | "reverse" | "equal" | "equal-reverse" | "equal-app" | "equal-content"

// This is for typography - use responsive font sizes or not (only MUI support)
"resposiveFontSizes"?: boolean

ui ParamUi

// How much to elevate the content panel
"elevation"?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

// Ability to override SB's own preview panel padding
"padding"?: string

// Ability to use a custom css box-shadow string for content elevation
"shadow"?: string


僅具有淺色變體的最小原生 Storybook 主題

export const parameters = {
  facelift: {
    themes: [
        key: 'native-1',
        type: 'native',
        title: 'Custom Storybook theme',
        variants: {
          light: {
            colorPrimary: '#0000ff',

具有預設 Material UI 淺色和深色主題的範例

使用預設 Material UI 主題設定 Storybook 主題,並為所有 Story 新增具有相同主題的 Material UI 主題提供器

export const parameters = {
  facelift: {
    addProvider: true,
    themes: [
        type: 'mui',
        key: 'mui-1',
        title: 'Default Material UI theme',
        variants: {
          light: {},
          dark: {},

具有自訂淺色主題和 Styled Components 主題提供器的範例

這個非常小的範例將以最小的自訂主題設定 Storybook 主題,並為 Story 新增一個 Style Components 主題提供器

export const parameters = {
  facelift: {
    addProvider: true,
    themeConverters: {
      myCustomConverter: ({ theme, variant }) => ({
        storybook: {
          base: variant,
          colorPrimary: theme.primary,
          colorSecondary: theme.secondary,
        options: theme,
        instanciated: theme,
    themes: [
        type: 'custom',
        key: 'custom-1',
        title: 'Custom UI theme',
        converter: 'myCustomConverter',
        provider: 'styled',
        variants: {
          light: {
            primary: '#ff0000',
            secondary: '#0000ff',
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